Where can I learn more about Curated?

Curated is our premium sourcing product for top candidates for software engineers, data scientists, product managers, data scientists, and sales reps. After you post a job that qualifies for Curated, our team will reach out to you. For an overview of features, please click here. 

We'll surface qualified and ready-to-interview candidates directly to you - updated  2x a week, proven to help you hire at 3X the rate. Now including international remote talent.

We do the vetting for you
Our in-house team of recruiting experts reviews every candidate before featuring them to you
Reach out & actually hear back
We only highlight ready-to-interview candidates who will respond quickly
Multiple disciplines from all over the world
See candidates in Engineering, Design, Product, & Sales in SF, LA, NY, & Remote within the US

*New* Now including vetted remote engineers from Latin America, Europe, and India

To request access click here.

You'll have support every step of the way

Direct contact with our team
In-depth intake session with our in-house sourcing team
Dedicated account manager
You'll have someone assigned to your company to help with any needs
Hands-on help
Management on your end-to-end hiring process

Feel free to email curated-support@wellfound.com to request a demo.

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