How do I search Messages in Recruit?

To Search Messages

1. Sign in to an account connected to your company profile. 

2. Go to Messages from the top toolbar or click here.

3. Below Messages, on the left-hand column, you can use the search bar to enter the names of candidates or recruiters to find specific conversations. Please note that if you only have access to your conversations, you will not be able to search by other recruiter names. Please follow this guide to access all conversations: How do I view all recruiter conversations? 

4. You can filter using the subheaders between:

  • Matches: Candidates that have accepted your request to chat
  • Requests: Pending conversations where candidates have not yet accepted a request to chat 
  • Closed: Conversations that have been ended

5. You can also filter from the drop-down between your conversations and all team conversations.

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